We're Hiring


Lexington United Methodist Church
508 N. Rockdale Street
Lexington, TX 78947

POSITION DESCRIPTION: Director of Family Discipleship Ministries

Date Prepared:  07/13/2020
Date Approved by SPRC: 7/27/2020

STATUS: Part-time, Salaried

HOURS: Varies, approx. 30 Hours per week


Position Summary:  The Director of Family Discipleship Ministries (DFDM) is responsible for development, administration, supervision, and leadership of programs for children, youth and families in the areas of Christian education, discipleship, mission, and outreach.

Organizational Relationship and Supervision:

The Director of Family Discipleship Ministries (DFDM) reports to the Pastor for spiritual and ministry guidance. The Pastor, in cooperation with the Staff Parish Relations Committee, provides an annual evaluation of the DFDM’s performance. The DFDM will be responsible and subject to United Methodist policy and doctrine, local church policy as determined by the Charge Conference, Pastor, and Staff Parish Relations Committee. Attendance at the following meetings is expected: Administrative Council Board.

The Primary Task:

All aspects of the Family Discipleship Ministries will be driven by the Lexington United Methodist Church (LUMC) mission (to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world) and vision (Know-Grow-Share).

  1. Oversee and manage all Children, Youth and Family Programs
  2. Develop & implement new programs to enhance and grow the Family ministry and help the church grow in their relationships with each other and Jesus Christ
  3. Equip families with resources and education to help them become actively and intentionally involved in the spiritual formation and discipleship of their families
  4. Develop and direct children, youth and family outreach opportunities

Responsible for:

  1. Leadership through building and oversight of the Family Discipleship Ministry Team and its members, in alignment with the LUMC’s mission and vision.
  2. Be an advocate for youth and children and educate the congregation about the hopes, concerns and needs of youth and children in the local church and community.
  3. Be a liaison between the church and other community organizations, people, and resources that relate to youth and children and their ministries.
  4. Provide general direction, guidance and vision for Christian education such as Sunday school, youth fellowship, Bible studies and special programs, at times coordinating with other ministry teams.
  5. Coordinate Sunday school curriculum for children and youth to include children’s church and recruit teachers.
  6. Oversee planning, coordination, volunteer recruitment and training for activities such as M&Ms, 5th Quarter, Children’s Church, summer mission trips (UM ARMY and BIG HOUSE), summer activities including seasonal activities (Lent/ Easter, Vacation Bible School, Back to School Bash, Fall Festival and Advent/ Christmas).
  7. Coordinate Confirmation classes in partnership with the Pastor and provide leadership for confirmands, mentors, and parents beyond the classroom.
  8. Recruit and providing general direction, guidance, and vision for the youth ministry and Youth Council with a focus on empowering youth leadership.
  9. Recruit and providing general direction, guidance, and vision for children’s ministry volunteers and quarterly Children’s Ministry Advisory Council meeting.
  10. Create, implement and administer appropriate policies, procedures and rules to ensure the safety of all youth activities, specifically to perform all requirements of LUMC Safe Sanctuary policy.
  11. Administration of children and youth ministry tasks including performance of volunteer background checks, Safe Sanctuary training and documentation, evaluation and purchase of appropriate resources and educational materials including curriculums and supplies.
  12. Make recommendations to the Pastor regarding issues that may need to be addressed for the future development of the church ministries.
  13. Evaluate the effectiveness of ministry in alignment with LUMC vision.
  14. Encourage the creativity and development of leadership skills in your team members

Additional Responsibilities:

  1. Attend and participate in regular scheduled church administrative meetings
  2. Contribute to LUMC communications channels such as monthly newsletter, church website, social media postings, bulletin boards, etc.
  3. Support of the administrative and connectional life of Lexington UMC
  4. Chaperoning or directing youth retreats and mission trips.

Personal Requirements and Aptitudes:

  1. A mature relationship with Jesus as Savior and Lord
  2. Regular practice of spiritual disciplines
  3. A person of prayer
  4. Exhibits the fruit of the Spirit and knows how to walk in the power of the Spirit
  5. Strong relationship skills
  6. Must possess a proven ability to work effectively with youth, diverse individuals, and teams of volunteers.
  7. Must have excellent written and verbal communication skills, conflict management skills, and computer skills.
  8. A healthy balance of work and rest in their life
  9. A person of integrity with a good reputation

If you are interested please contact the office or John Gibbs, SPRC Chair at (512) 751-3923 or jgibbs78947@zochnet.com.